tactile map

Tactile Map, 3D Printed Map

Using satellite images, campus maps, and detailed notes of the campus as reference, I created a map in Illustrator. My goal was to create a map that would give enough detail to aid users in locating paths, buildings, parking lots, stairs, and ramps. This type of map can be personalized to include only the parts of the campus important to the user. Because the map is produced on campus using inexpensive materials, a new map can be 3D printed each semester for students in need of a tactile map. 
Because the majority of legally blind people in the United States cannot read Braille, large letters were used for identification on the map. Maps with Braille could be quickly made for students who prefer to read Braille.
After designing the map in Illustrator, I transferred each layer to Tinkercad.  After making necessary adjustments, STL files were created in preparation for printing the 3D maps. I created the map in two sections so it would fold for easy transport.